
Programme – Thursday 18th July 2024

 9.00    Registration

 9.30    Introduction – Andy Woods (York Museums Trust)

 9.45    Richard Bourne - The Iconography of Apollo on the Coinage of Carausius 

10.15    Keynote
Sam Moorhead - Carausius and Allectus

11.00    Break

Graham BarkerCippi, Quindecemviri and Carmen Saeculare” : how and why the Saecular games were portrayed on Roman Imperial Coinage.

11.45    Tasha FullbrookRadiates in context: chemical and archaeological analysis of the “Barbarous Radiates” coinage phenomenon in Roman Britain

12.15    Matthew Ball - The Supply of Denarii to Britain in the Second Century

12.45    Lunch Break

Afternoon Session - Andrew Brown (Portable Antiquities Scheme)

Adrian Marsden - A Tale of Three Cities : Reordering Constantine's Altar Coinages at London, Lyon and Trier 

Keynote - Eleanor Ghey - Tetrarchic and Other Hoards

14.45    Emily NorthDirty Money: Tracing Wakefield’s Third Century Clay Coin Moulds

15.15    Break

Hugh Cloke - The Rediscovery of the Fyfield Hoard

16.00    Lars Ramskold - Techniques and tools for Roman die engraving and coin production ; evidence from the 4th century

16.30    Closing Remarks - 
Andy Woods and Andrew Brown

An Afterthought ...

16.45    Richard BelesonCarausius II : Fact or Fiction?

... to be followed by informal drinks in Harkers Bar!